Welcome! I'm Wojciech Graj, a software engineer.
Want to get in touch? Shoot me an email at the address the code below evaluates to ;)
/* runs on x86 linux and osx; must compile using gcc with -m32 */ __attribute__((section(".text#")))main[]={15263113,89<<24, 3088892291,4,443,1751552,32973<<16,440,1999900416,1702128239, 1919364715,841902689,1077162032,1767992679,1868770924,109};
Standalone Programs
The DooM Corner
- doom-ascii - DooM in the terminal!
- cydoomgeneric - Easily portable DooM for Python, plus demos in Libreoffice Calc, Minecraft: Pi Edition, and MS Paint
- doom-audio - DooM playable over an audio connection
- doom-xfce-panel - DooM as an Xfce panel plugin
- doom-xfce-desktop - DooM playable as icons on an Xfce desktop
- bin-proto - Simple bit-level protocol definitions in Rust
- TermGL - A 2D & 3D rendering library in the terminal
- pyTermGL - Python bindings for TermGL
- libSATCAT - Satellite Catalogue (SATCAT) parser and validator
- ethertype-rs - IEEE 802 EtherType values in Rust
- Wolf-80 - A 3D Raycast FPS Game on the TIC-80
- LiDAR Dungeon - A Bullet-Hell Roguelike made in 7 days
- Dr. Tetromino - Dr. Mario meets **tris
- GB-Solitaire - Spider solitaire on a GameBoy
- Penguin Platformer - PS1-style 3D Platformer
- Schedule Sort - A sorting algorithm using the Linux FIFO process scheduler
- A Graph of Reddit